Have you ever awoken to the melodic chirping of birds and wondered what those feathered virtuosos were named in one of South India’s oldest languages, Kannada? Well, hold on to your binoculars because we’re about to embark on an ornithological journey that marries the melodic tones of nature with the richness of this classical language. This is not just an article; it’s a vibrant palette showcasing the colorful diversity of bird species, rendered even more fascinating through their names in Kannada.
From simple sparrows to majestic eagles, from vivacious parrots to elusive owls – each bird carries a name imbued with meaning and cultural significance that reflects not just its physical attributes but often its distinct personality traits and roles in local folklore. So, let’s take flight into this intriguing world where language meets avian splendor and discover the beauty of these feathered creatures through their Kannada names.
- List of Birds Name in Kannada
- 7. ಕಾಗೆ kage (Crow)
- 8. ಕೊಕ್ಕರೆ kokkare (Crane)
- 11. ಉಷ್ಟ್ರಪಕ್ಷಿ ustrapaksi (ostrich)
- 12. ಗೂಬೆ gube (OWL)
- 13. ಗಿಣಿ gini (Parrot)
- 15. ನವಿಲು navilu (Peacock)
- 16. ಪಾರಿವಾಳ parivala (Pigeon)
- 17. ಕ್ವಿಲ್ kvil (Quail)
- 20. ರಣಹದ್ದು ranahaddu (Vulture)
- Table of Birds Names in Kannada with English
List of Birds Name in Kannada

Here is the list of Birds name in Kannada and English.
1. ಯುವ ಬಾತುಕೋಳಿ Yuva batukoli (Duckling)
Ducklings are young ducks. Usually, ducklings follow their mother to a body of water where they can practice swimming. Like all birds, ducklings are born from eggs normally laid in a nest. Most kinds of baby ducks only reach a length of 10 cm. A typical brood of ducklings can range in size quite a bit.
Thus, some will be bigger than their other siblings. The diverse group of waterfowl known as ducks belong to the broad Anatidae family, including swans and geese. Ducks are the family’s tiniest, shortest, and most compact members, and they feature a comprehensive variety of lovely species, from the extravagantly decorated Mandarin duck to the modest Mallard.
2. ಬಾವಲಿ Bavali (Bat)
In the evening, distinguishing between two animals becomes more challenging, and it’s usually when you observe bats soaring in the sky. Due to their lack of feathers, individuals once mistakenly identified them as birds. However, bats and birds are categorized differently: bats fall under the mammal category, while birds are classified as aves.
Bats, the sole mammals capable of flight, nourish their live-born offspring with the milk they produce. They have jawbones equipped with sharp teeth, unlike birds that possess beaks but lack teeth. Bats utilize the skin membranes connecting their fingers and legs to form wings. They also have an additional membrane extending from their legs to their tail, which functions as a rudder and assists in catching their prey. On the other hand, birds lay eggs for reproduction and gather food while nurturing their young.
3. ಗಂಡು ಬಾತುಕೋಳಿ Gandu batukoli (Drake)
Drake’s name in Kannada is Gandu Batukoli. A fully sexually mature adult male duck of any species, domestic or wild, is called a drake. Males can be dubbed drakes without having attracted a mate or produced ducklings. The biological order Anseriformes, which includes ducks, geese, swans, screamers, and the magpie goose, includes all duck species.
Unlike other homegrown species, ducks can fly and perch, a feat too challenging for drakes due to their weight. If you want to keep them in your backyard, you can house them in a fully enclosed coop or clip the flight feathers on one wing.
4. ಪಾರಿವಾಳ parivala (Dove)
In Kannada, the language dove is known as Parivala. There are hundreds of diverse dove species, and they may be found practically everywhere in the world. Only a few dove species, primarily diamond and ring-necked ones, are available as pets.
Doves, characterized by their round bodies covered with thick, plush feathers, possess thin beaks and a tiny soft spot at the base. Their wings are streamlined, and their legs are short with a scaly texture. They are known for their distinctive cooing or croaking sounds. The common city pigeon we see today is a descendant of the wild rock dove that was domesticated in the past and later found its way back into the wild.
5. ಯುವ ಹಂಸ Yuva hansa (Cygnet)
Swans are birds belonging to the genus Cygnus and the family Anatidae. The geese and ducks are very similar to the swans. Cygnets, or baby swans, hatch out with heavy down covering them. Even though they can run and swim in a matter of hours, their parents remain very protective of them during their first few months of life.
The appearance of young swans, or cygnets, is typically characterized by soft, downy coats and a grey-black beak. Their bodies often exhibit a dusky grey hue, and their feet are diminutive and black. This uniform look is common across all cygnet species, making it demanding to differentiate between the offspring of various species. For instance, the cygnets of the Australian Black Swan also sport a dusky grey shade, mirroring the look of other species’ young ones.
The hamsa, an aquatic bird known for its migratory habits, is repeatedly mentioned in various Sanskrit texts and shares equivalent characteristics. Various researchers suggest that this bird is inspired by either the goose, swan, or potentially the flamingo. In Indian and Southeast Asian cultures, its depiction functions as a spiritual symbol and an ornamental feature. Additionally, this bird is often used metaphorically for its mythical ability to distinguish between good and evil or to segregate milk from a blend of milk and water.
6. ಕೋಗಿಲೆ kogile (Cuckoo)
The cuckoo family, with most of its members residing in tropical regions, is a widely dispersed bird group. Most species are arboreal, although a significant number do inhabit the ground. Among these birds is the distinctive Indian cuckoo, which populates areas from Southeast Asia to the Indian subcontinent.
These are usually medium-sized and slender birds. Their diet includes fruits, insects, larvae, and other creatures. A handful of these species migrate. Interestingly, certain types are brood parasites who lay eggs in other species’ nests – this behaviour has led to the symbolic phrase cuckoo’s egg. However, many species do rear their offspring.
7. ಕಾಗೆ kage (Crow)
The house crow, also called an Indian crow, a grey-necked crow, a Ceylon crow, or a Colombo crow, is a common bird in the crow family that originated in Asia but is now widespread worldwide thanks to commerce. The scientific name of the crow is Corvus. It is smaller than either the carrion crow or the jackdaw in size.
Shakun Shastra states that a crow making noise in the north at noon signifies good fortune. Similarly, it is also lucky if the crow makes noise in the east direction. According to Hindu mythology, crows serve as a bridge between the worlds of the living and the dead and are supposed to represent ancestral visits to the living.
8. ಕೊಕ್ಕರೆ kokkare (Crane)
The Sarus crane, sometimes the Antigone crane, is a sizable non-migratory crane that inhabits portions of Australia, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. With a height of up to 1.8 m (5 ft. 11 in), they are the tallest flying birds and a noticeable species of open wetlands in South Asia. They are revered as representations of marital fidelity in India, where it is said that they pair up for life and mourn the loss of their partners to the point of starvation.
Saru’s crane numbers are frequently attributed to boosts in agricultural intensity, but they also gain from the development of canals and reservoirs and wetland crops. The species’ stronghold is in India, where it is respected in local culture and coexists closely with people in agricultural areas.
9. ಹದ್ದು haddu (Eagle)
The Indian spotted eagle (Clanga hastata) is a large raptor native to South Asia, specifically Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, and Nepal. It prefers dry subtropical and tropical forests to agricultural lands and plantations. However, in Pakistan, it is considered a stray species. Eagles are recognized as the bravest and strongest birds.
In Native American culture, they choose the eagle and its feathers as symbols of the highest honour, bravery, strength and sacredness. Those who receive eagle feathers are expected to wear them with pride as they represent honour in their culture.
10. ಕೋಳಿ koli (Hen)
A pullet is a young female bird; a hen is an adult female bird. Nowadays, people maintain chickens largely as pets and as a food source (eating their flesh and eggs). They were historically raised for cockfighting as well, which is still done in some regions. Domesticated layers and broilers produce chicken meat and eggs, respectively. One of the most popular and widely used domestic animals is the chicken.
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11. ಉಷ್ಟ್ರಪಕ್ಷಿ ustrapaksi (ostrich)
Ostriches, the largest living birds, are notable for their absence of wings. They lay the biggest eggs of any terrestrial creature and are farmed globally, primarily for their plumes that serve as cleaning tools and decorative items. Their hide is also valuable in the production of leather items. These giant birds have only been recorded to become extinct in places like India, Mongolia, and China around or possibly after the last ice age concluded.
Though typically shying away from human contact, ostriches, even those in the wild, are not averse to standing their ground when feeling endangered. The period of greatest risk is during their mating season when male ostriches vie for dominance. During this time, they defend their nesting sites vigorously against potential threats, including humans.
12. ಗೂಬೆ gube (OWL)
Owls can be found almost anywhere in the world, including the Arctic tundra, coniferous woods, and deserts. Although size, pattern, and coloration vary according to the species, all owls have hooked beaks and keen talons, which set them apart from other raptors. Thanks to these and other adaptations, they can hunt prey with exceptional ability and efficiency, like hawks, eagles, and other raptors.
Small rodents make up most of what owls eat but consume birds, fish, insects, and larger animals like juvenile deer and foxes. Owls swallow their prey whole or in substantial chunks since they lack teeth like other birds. Later, they cough up pellets of inedible bones and hair.
13. ಗಿಣಿ gini (Parrot)
Primarily inhabiting tropical and subtropical regions, parrots are strikingly beautiful birds with vibrant colours. Humans have kept these amusing, intelligent, and often friendly creatures as caged pets since antiquity. The scientific classification for parrots is Psittaciformes, a broad order encompassing over 350 bird species.
Parrots include various birds, such as macaws, amazons, lorikeets, lovebirds, cockatoos, and many more. Parrots can be divided into numerous different categories according to their size. They can converse and are highly intelligent birds. Illegal hunting has put their population at risk, but tough rules are now in place to protect these birds.
14. ಪಾರ್ಟ್ರಿಜ್ partrij (Patridge)
Partridges, medium-sized galliform birds, are indigenous to parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. They can be classified under a multitude of genera. These birds are robust and medium in size with curved bills and inhabit diverse ecosystems, including forests, grasslands, and stony plains.
While their diet largely consists of insects during the chick stage, adult partridges feed on seeds, leaves, and small invertebrates. However, certain species, like the chukar and grey partridge, are strictly herbivorous. Forest-dwelling partridges have witnessed a considerable habitat decline due to illegal logging activities.
15. ನವಿಲು navilu (Peacock)
The Indian peafowl is a type of peafowl that is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. It is also referred to as the common peafowl and the blue peafowl. Countless other nations have adopted it. The peacock is well recognized for its long train of extended upper-tail covert feathers that contain colourful eyespots.
It has a brightly coloured, primarily blue fan-like crest of wire-like feathers with spatula tips. During courtship, these stiff feathers are lifted into a fan and quivered. The dry lowland regions of Sri Lanka are home to the Indian peafowl, a resident breeder throughout the Indian subcontinent.
16. ಪಾರಿವಾಳ parivala (Pigeon)
The pigeon and dove family members are the most attractive bird species, which are similarly widespread but less well-known in some regions. The Green Imperial Pigeon, Nicobar Imperial Pigeon, Mountain Imperial Pigeon, Thick-billed Green Pigeon, and Oriental Turtle Dove are some lesser-known wild pigeon species in India. In India, common pigeons are often called rock pigeons, rock doves, or just pigeons.
The feral pigeon, the most commonly found bird in urban areas, reproduces all year round and serves as a prime food source for city-dwelling raptors. Domestic pigeons – descendants of the same common rock pigeon – have been used in scientific research, as couriers, in pigeon racing events, and at ornamental bird exhibitions.
17. ಕ್ವಿಲ್ kvil (Quail)
The migratory quails are a bird species found in Asia, Africa, and Europe. The Egyptians intentionally captured them for their meat in the eleventh century, which is when they first appeared. Due to the male birds’ ability to sing, the Chinese started keeping the birds as pets years later.
The first commercial quail farming is thought to have originated in Japan before spreading to other parts of the world, giving the Japanese quail breed prominence to this day as one of the finest performers, mostly for the commercial production of eggs and meat.
Due to modest capital and labour requirements, ease of care and management of the birds, and good profit margins, quail farming continues to grow daily throughout the world compared to other poultry birds. It’s interesting to note that anyone may launch a business with little money and few skills.
18. ಗುಬ್ಬಚ್ಚಿ gubbacci (Sparrow)
The Eurasian tree sparrow, a species often seen in urban cities due to its propensity for residing near human settlements, is widespread throughout India, extending from the Assam valley to the lower Assam hills. Its presence becomes more pronounced as one travels towards the eastern Himalayas.
The male members of this species are distinguished by their striking black, white and brown markings, while females and juveniles display lighter shades of brown and grey. However, these sparrows are on the brink of extinction in India, battling to reclaim their previous habitats.
19. ಮರಕುಟಿಗ marakutiga (Woodpecker)
Piculets, miniature versions of woodpeckers, come in various sizes, the bar-breasted piculet being the smallest among them. The plumage of these birds can range from modest to showy. Some species have colour patterns that blend well with their surroundings, featuring hues of olive and brown. This is known as being pied, a sign of their need for camouflage. Conversely, other species boast eye-catching patterns in black, white and red colours. Many even sport a crest or a bunch of feathers on their heads.
Woodpeckers utilize their robust beaks and elongated, adhesive tongues for boring into trees and extracting nourishment. The bird’s habitat covers Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Pakistan, focusing on the northern sections of the Indian subcontinent, especially the Himalayas and adjacent areas.
20. ರಣಹದ್ದು ranahaddu (Vulture)
Every vulture possesses wide wings that allow them to glide for long durations as they hunt for dead animal matter to eat without fluttering their feathers. They all feature a beak with a pointed, curved end perfect for ripping meat. Vultures are larger compared to other avian species. Their featherless head and neck prevent them from getting diseases, or their feathers are knotted when feeding on rotting carcasses.
In India, vultures are crucial because they assist in the clean-up of deceased wildlife without dispersing illness. Other regions of Asia have religious and cultural customs that mandate leaving domestic animal carcasses outside for vultures to “dispose” of. Even human remains are dumped out for the vultures before burial in some areas.
Table of Birds Names in Kannada with English

This table contains bird names in Kannada and bird names in English language.
No. | Birds names in Kannada | Birds names in English |
1 | ಬಾವಲಿ | Bat |
2 | ಬಯಾ ವೀವರ್ | Baya Weaver |
3 | ಗುಪ್ಪಿ | Bittern |
4 | ಯುವ ಬಾತುಕೋಳಿ | Duckling |
5 | ಬಾತುಕೋಳಿ | Duck |
6 | ಗಂಡು ಬಾತುಕೋಳಿ | Drake |
7 | ಪಾರಿವಾಳ | Dove |
8 | ಯುವ ಹಂಸ | Cygnet |
9 | ಕೋಗಿಲೆ | Cuckoo |
10 | ಕಾಗೆ | Crow |
11 | ಕೊಕ್ಕರೆ | Crane |
12 | ಕೋಕಟೂ | Cockatoo |
13 | ಕೋಳಿ | Chicken |
14 | ನೈಟಿಂಗೇಲ್ | Nightingale |
15 | ಗೊರವಂಕ | Mynah |
16 | ಹದ್ದು | Eagle |
17 | ಗರಿ | Feather |
18 | ಬಾತುಕೋಳಿ | Gadwall |
19 | ಹೆಬ್ಬಾತು | Goose |
20 | ಗಿಡುಗ | Hawk |
21 | ಕೋಳಿ | Hen |
22 | ಬಕ | Heron |
23 | ಮಿಂಚುಳ್ಳಿ | Kingfisher |
24 | ಗಾಳಿಪಟ | Kite |
25 | ನೆಲಗುಬ್ಬಿ | Lark |
26 | ಮಕಾವ್ | Macaw |
27 | ಮ್ಯಾಗ್ಪಿ | Magpie |
28 | ಮರಕುಟಿಗ | Woodpecker |
29 | ಗೀಜಗ | Weaver Bird |
30 | ರಣಹದ್ದು | Vulture |
31 | ಹಂಸ | Swan |
32 | ಗುಬ್ಬಚ್ಚಿ | Sparrow |
33 | ಸ್ಕೈಲಾರ್ಕ್ | Skylark |
34 | ರೂಕ್ | Rook |
35 | ಕಾಗೆ | Raven |
36 | ಕ್ವಿಲ್ | Quail |
37 | ಪಾರಿವಾಳ | Pigeon |
38 | ಪೀಹೆನ್ | Peahen |
39 | ನವಿಲು | Peacock |
40 | ಪಾರ್ಟ್ರಿಜ್ | Partridge |
41 | ಗಿಣಿ | Parrot |
42 | ಗೂಬೆ | Owl |
43 | ಉಷ್ಟ್ರಪಕ್ಷಿ | Ostrich |
44 | ಪುರುಲೆ ಹಕ್ಕಿ | Jungle bush quail |
45 | ತಲೆತಿರುಗಿನ ಹಕ್ಕಿ | Swallows |
What kind of animal is a bird?
Birds are warm-blooded vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) and possess feathers. Even though all birds have wings, some can’t fly.
What makes birds unique?
All birds share the following characteristics: endothermic (warm-blooded), have two legs, and lay eggs. From the two-inch bee hummingbird to the nine-foot ostrich, birds come in various sizes (Figure below). Birds are the most diverse group of four-limbed vertebrates, with about 10,000 species currently known.
How can birds help us?
Birds assist humans in various ways, such as managing pests, defending public health, dispersing seeds, promoting ecotourism, and surveying the environment.
Birds are incredibly distinct entities, possessing characteristics that are universally shared among them. They inhabit every corner of the world and thrive in all types of ecosystems. As a result, the term bird is a common word in all languages. This online platform is designed to help you familiarize yourself with bird names in Kannada and their corresponding English pronunciations. It’s essential to commit these names to memory in both Kannada and English as they often come up in daily discourse.