Arthropods, specifically a class known as insects, are distinguished by their tri-segmented bodies, six jointed appendages, and frequently two pairs of wings. They inhabit nearly all land-based environments and are integral to numerous ecosystems. Over one million species of insects have been identified so far, rendering them the most varied animal group on Earth.
Are you fascinated by insects, a scholar, or just curious about the enchanting realm of bugs? This guide will serve as a comprehensive catalogue of insect names in Hindi and English. It offers wisdom into some of India’s most significant and mesmerising insects.
Keet is a term frequently used in Hindi to denote insects. This broad term Keet includes various types of insects that are further divided into groups based on their physical features and behaviours. Some of the prevalent insect groups in Hindi are Kide, Makode, Titli, and Bhitti Chinti.
In English, insects are called “bugs” or “creepy crawlies.” The term “insect” is derived from the Latin word “insectum,” which means “cut into sections.” Insects are further classified into various groups based on their physical characteristics, such as the presence or absence of wings, the number of legs, and the shape and size of their bodies. Some of English’s most common insect groups include ants, bees, butterflies, flies, and mosquitoes.
- Popular Insects Name in Hindi and English
- 1. Ants – चींटी (Chinti)
- 2. Bees – मधुमक्खी (Madhumakhi)
- 3. Butterflies – तितली (Titli)
- 4. Cockroaches – तिलचट्टा (Tilchatta)
- 5. Dragonflies – ततैया (Tataiya)
- 6. Grasshoppers – टिड्डा (Tidda)
- 7. Ladybugs – मादंगी (Madangi)
- 8. Mosquitoes – मच्छर (Machhar)
- 9. Moths – तितली का कीट (Titli ka keet)
- 10. Praying Mantis – अंतरिक्षीय बुद्धिमता (Antarikshiy Buddhimatta)
- 11. Scorpions – बिच्छू (Bichhu)
- 12. Spiders – मकड़ी (Makdi)
- 13. Termites – दीमक (Deemak)
- 14. Wasps – शहद कीट (Shahad Keet)
- 15. Grass Cutter Ants – नाशपाती कीट (Nashpati Keet)
- List of 60 Insects name in Hindi and English
Popular Insects Name in Hindi and English

Our ecosystem heavily relies on the critical role of intriguing insects that are omnipresent and incredibly diverse. India, in particular, boasts a vast array of these creatures, each with its unique name in both Hindi and English.
1. Ants – चींटी (Chinti)
Recognized for their advanced social structure, ants are communal insects that form meticulously coordinated colonies. They can undertake diverse responsibilities, from food gathering and nurturing offspring to colony protection.
These insects play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem by aiding in the distribution of seeds and enhancing soil ventilation. In Hindi culture, ants symbolize diligence and discipline, frequently appearing in tales and ethical narratives to impart lessons about perseverance and collaboration.
2. Bees – मधुमक्खी (Madhumakhi)
Bees, renowned for gathering nectar from flowers and transforming it into honey, are crucial to numerous ecosystems due to their role as key pollinators. Their contributions to agriculture are indispensable, particularly through crop pollination. Additionally, the honey they produce has diverse uses in medicine and cooking. In the Hindi tradition, bees are esteemed for their dynamic nature and are frequently linked with Lakshmi, the Hindu deity of prosperity.
3. Butterflies – तितली (Titli)
Recognized for their bright hues and elegant flying patterns, butterflies play a crucial role in pollination and serve as a measure of ecological wellness. Their life cycle is intricate, with the caterpillar stage consuming plant matter and the mature stage drawing sustenance from nectar. In Indian culture, these creatures are frequently linked to concepts of love and allure, symbolizing change and renewal.
4. Cockroaches – तिलचट्टा (Tilchatta)
Cockroaches are often considered pests due to their ability to contaminate food and spread disease. However, they also play a role in the ecosystem as decomposers, breaking down dead organic matter. Cockroaches are highly adaptable and have survived for millions of years. In Hindi culture, cockroaches are sometimes associated with negativity or impurity and are used in stories to illustrate the dangers of greed and uncleanliness.
5. Dragonflies – ततैया (Tataiya)
Dragonflies are known for their large wings and vibrant colours. They are predators of other insects known for their swift and agile flight. Dragonflies are important in controlling the populations of other insects and are also indicators of water quality. In Hindi culture, dragonflies are sometimes seen as a sign of transformation and are used in stories to represent change and adaptation.
6. Grasshoppers – टिड्डा (Tidda)
These creatures’ renowned jumping prowess and the unique chirping of grasshoppers are well-known attributes. Their diet consists primarily of diverse plant species, given their herbivorous nature. Birds and other predators rely on them as a crucial part of their food chain, highlighting grasshoppers’ significant role within the ecosystem. In the cultural context of Hindi society, fables and tales often feature grasshoppers as characters to impart lessons about humility and satisfaction.
7. Ladybugs – मादंगी (Madangi)
With their vibrant red or orange hues and unique spots, ladybugs are easily recognizable. They are crucial in managing insect populations in gardens and farms by preying on aphids and other pests. Often considered lucky, ladybugs are used as symbols of protection from harm. In the Hindi culture, they’re viewed as harbingers of good luck and are linked with Lakshmi, the Hindu deity of wealth.
8. Mosquitoes – मच्छर (Machhar)
Mosquitoes are known for their irritating bites and ability to spread diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus. They are a major public health concern in many parts of the world. Mosquitoes are also important in the ecosystem as a food source for other insects and animals. In Hindi culture, mosquitoes are often associated with rage and discomfort and are sometimes used in stories to familiarise the dangers of uncleanliness and poor hygiene practices.
9. Moths – तितली का कीट (Titli ka keet)
Moths are often mistaken for butterflies, but they are a separate group of insects with some distinct differences in appearance and behaviour. Moths are known for their nocturnal behaviour and often have drab colours compared to brightly coloured butterflies. Some moth species are important pollinators, while others are pests that can damage crops and textiles. In Hindi culture, moths are sometimes seen as a symbol of attraction and obsession.
10. Praying Mantis – अंतरिक्षीय बुद्धिमता (Antarikshiy Buddhimatta)
Praying mantises are known for their distinctive appearance, with elongated bodies and front legs used to catch and hold prey. They are predators and feed on various insects, including other praying mantises. Praying mantises are also known for their unique mating behaviour, with the female sometimes cannibalizing the male after mating. In Hindi culture, praying mantises are sometimes seen as a symbol of patience and stillness and are used in stories to teach the virtues of waiting and observing.
11. Scorpions – बिच्छू (Bichhu)
Scorpions are known for their distinctive appearance, curved tails and venomous stingers. They are predators and feed on insects and other arthropods. Scorpions are found in many parts of the world; some species can deliver a deadly sting. In Hindi culture, scorpions are sometimes associated with danger and are used in stories to teach the importance of caution and preparedness.
12. Spiders – मकड़ी (Makdi)
Spiders are recognized for their skill in web-spinning and hunting. They prey on various insects, playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance of insect populations. Some types of spiders have become infamous for their venomous bites. However, most spider bites pose no threat to human beings. Within the Hindi culture, spiders often symbolize patience and persistence, serving as characters in narratives that impart lessons about the importance of diligence and resolve.
13. Termites – दीमक (Deemak)
Insects that thrive in large social groups, known as termites, primarily consume wood and other plant-based substances. These creatures have earned a reputation for their capacity to inflict harm on wooden infrastructures, leading to their classification as pests in human habitats. Despite this, termites contribute significantly to the ecosystem by decomposing deceased plant matter and reprocessing nutrients. Within Hindi traditions, these creatures symbolize destruction and are often featured in narratives emphasizing the value of foresight and preventative measures.
14. Wasps – शहद कीट (Shahad Keet)
Wasps are a diverse group of insects that includes social species like yellow jackets and solitary species like mud daubers. They are predators and feed on a variety of insects and other arthropods. Some wasp species are important pollinators, while others are considered pests or dangerous due to their venomous stings. In Hindi culture, wasps are sometimes associated with the sweetness of honey and are used in stories to teach the importance of balance and moderation.
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15. Grass Cutter Ants – नाशपाती कीट (Nashpati Keet)
Grass cutter ants are a type of leaf-cutter ant known for their ability to cut and carry pieces of leaves several times their body size. They are social insects that live in large colonies and play an important role in the ecosystem by processing and recycling plant material. In Hindi culture, grass-cutter ants are sometimes associated with the virtues of hard work and cooperation and are used in stories to teach the importance of collaboration and community.
List of 60 Insects name in Hindi and English

With a staggering 80% representation of all identified species, insects are our planet’s most varied animal group. They inhabit virtually every environment, from lush rainforests to arid deserts, and are crucial to numerous ecosystems. In India, insects have held significant cultural value for centuries and frequently feature in traditional cuisine and medicinal practices. Below is a compilation of 60 different insect names in Hindi and English:
No | Hindi Name | English Name |
1 | एंट | Ant |
2 | मधुमक्खी | Bee |
3 | तितली | Butterfly |
4 | तिलचट्टा | Cockroach |
5 | ततैया | Dragonfly |
6 | टिड्डा | Grasshopper |
7 | मादंगी | Ladybug |
8 | मच्छर | Mosquito |
9 | तितली का कीट | Moth |
10 | अंतरिक्षीय बुद्धिमता | Praying Mantis |
11 | बिच्छू | Scorpion |
12 | मकड़ी | Spider |
13 | दीमक | Termite |
14 | शहद कीट | Wasp |
15 | नाशपाती कीट | Grass cutter ant |
16 | कीट | Insect |
17 | मौर्ख़ | Silkworm |
18 | चींगीटी | Bedbug |
19 | तितली का बच्चा | Caterpillar |
20 | सुंडी | Beetle |
21 | चित्रक | Weevil |
22 | छत्रफल | Shield bug |
23 | ताड़ का कीट | Palm weevil |
24 | मैगस | Mayfly |
25 | कच्छुआ | Stick insect |
26 | मकोड़ा | Firefly |
27 | चींटीदाना | Antlion |
28 | टिड्डी | Cicada |
29 | चिमटा | Cockchafer |
30 | तितलियों का झुंड | Flutter of butterflies |
31 | टिफ़ल | Termite hunter wasp |
32 | लकड़बग्घा | Woodlouse |
33 | फिरंगी मच्छर | Anopheles mosquito |
34 | लौका मच्छर | Culex mosquito |
35 | तितली की लार | Chrysalis |
36 | झींगुर | Centipede |
37 | कंगन | Midge |
38 | सफ़ेद मकड़ी | White spider |
39 | तरबूज का कीट | Watermelon bug |
40 | जंगली मछर | Horsefly |
41 | ढिग्गा | Earwig |
42 | मांजर | Beetle grub |
43 | मसख़रा | Ear moth |
44 | सर्पिलिया | Silverfish |
45 | दाढ़ मकड़ी | Daddy longlegs spider |
46 | धुंआ मकड़ी | Smoke spider |
47 | धूल मकड़ी | Dust spider |
48 | धामन मकड़ी | Crab spider |
49 | बैगन का कीट | Eggplant bug |
50 | सुपारी का कीट | Betel nut bug |
51 | किरनफ़ूल | May beetle |
52 | छत्रफल | Stink bug |
53 | भोंपला मकड़ी | Hobo spider |
54 | स्कॉर्पियन मकड़ी | Scorpion spider |
55 | छत्ता का कीट | Squash bug |
56 | नट मकड़ी | Nutcracker spider |
57 | तितलियों का समूह | Kaleidoscope of butterflies |
58 | मेढ़क मकड़ी | Frog spider |
59 | कलमकारी | Lacewing |
60 | नीली मकड़ी | Blue spider |
61 | छातीला मकड़ी | Chestnut spider |
62 | धामन मकड़ी | Crab spider |
Cultural/Religious Significance of Insects in India

For centuries, insects have profoundly influenced India’s religious and cultural aspects. In the Hindu faith, numerous insects are viewed as symbolic representations of different gods and goddesses, holding deep spiritual and cultural importance. For instance, the bee or Madhu in Sanskrit – is considered a symbol of the deity Bhramari, often linked with devotion, purity, and sweetness. Similarly, the butterfly or Titli is perceived as an icon of transformation and rebirth. This insect is commonly tied to the goddess Saraswati, who embodies knowledge, creativity, and learning.
Indian folklore and mythology frequently highlight insects. For example, a well-known fable about an ant and a grasshopper promotes the importance of diligence and planning. Additionally, the narrative of the chhachhundar, or praying mantis, showcases an intelligent insect skillfully outsmarting bigger creatures using its wit. Traditional Indian artistry also often incorporates insects, from beautifully crafted silk moth cocoons to intricately carved beetle wings.
In modern India, insects play a vital role in agriculture and food production, as many species are important pollinators and pest controllers. Cultivating honey bees for honey and wax is also an important source of income for many rural communities. Overall, insects have a rich and diverse cultural and religious significance in India and continue to play an important role in shaping the country’s cultural identity and economic livelihoods.
Final Thoughts
To sum up, bugs are essential components of our ecosystem, and knowing their names and types is crucial. Familiarizing ourselves with the vocabulary of these creatures in languages like Hindi and English can enhance our comprehension and admiration for the variety of insect life in our surroundings. By safeguarding the environment and showing respect for all its dwellers, we can aid in maintaining the overall well-being and equilibrium of our planet. I urge all individuals to educate themselves about the intriguing realm of insects persistently.
Why is it important to know the insect names in Hindi and English?
Knowing the Insect names in Hindi and English can help us better understand the diversity of insect life around us. This familiarity can also help us better relish and respect insects’ important role in the ecosystem.
What is the importance of preserving insects in the environment?
Insects are:
- Indispensable components of the ecosystem.
- Carrying out crucial tasks such as plant pollination.
- Decomposition of organic materials.
- Providing food for other creatures.
Ensuring their survival in the environment contributes to ecosystem stability and promotes the well-being of our planet.
How can I learn more about the diversity of insects?
You can learn more about the diversity of insects by reading books and articles, watching documentaries, or visiting natural history museums and insect exhibits. You can also participate in citizen science projects and join local insect clubs and organizations.