Discover the names of planets in Marathi language. From Mars to Jupiter, learn how to say planets name in Marathi with their English translations. Planets are large, spherical celestial objects that are neither stars nor their afterglows. The nebular hypothesis, which states that an interstellar cloud collapses out of a nebula to create a young star orbited by a protoplanetary disc, is currently the best theory for planet formation.
The steady accumulation of matter accelerated by gravity, or accretion, is how planets expand within this disc. There are eight planets in the Solar System, including the gigantic planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune as well as the terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
Each of these planets has a rotational axis that is tilted relative to its orbital pole. Except for Mercury, every planet in the Solar System has a sizable atmosphere, and several of them have similar characteristics like ice caps, seasons, volcanism, hurricanes, tectonics, and even hydrology. The planets of the Solar System, except Venus and Mars, all produce magnetic fields and all have natural satellites. The most noticeable of the planetary rings, those of Saturn, are present on the larger planets.
Several cultures have historically associated celestial bodies with gods, and these links with mythology and folklore are still present in the naming conventions for newly found Solar System entities. More than 5,000 exoplanets, as they are known, were found as a result of further astronomical advancements.
Everyday terms that we use daily are included in the common vocabulary. The planet is one of the everyday words that we use. This website will assist you in learning all nine Planets name in Marathi and their English pronunciation if you are interested in learning the language. As a result of the frequent use of planets in everyday speech, it’s crucial to memorize all of their English and Marathi names.
List of Planets Name in Marathi
Given below is the list of Planets name in Marathi with English names.
1. Mercury बुध
In the Marathi language, Mercury is known as Budha. The smallest and nearest planet to the Sun in the Solar System is Mercury. The quickest of the Sun’s planets, its orbit takes place in 87.97 Earth days. It is called after the Roman god Mercurius (Mercury), who is akin to the Greek god Hermes and is the god of commerce, a god’s messenger, and a god’s intermediary between the gods and humans.
Mercury, like Venus, orbits the Sun as an inferior planet within Earth’s orbit; from Earth, Mercury’s apparent distance from the Sun never exceeds 28°. Because of its proximity to the Sun, the planet can only be seen in twilight, usually towards the western or eastern horizons after sunset or before sunrise.
The rocky planet Mercury, one of the Solar System’s four terrestrial planets, is similar to Earth in composition. It has the smallest equatorial radius of any planet in the solar system, measuring 2,439.7 kilometers.
Moreover, Ganymede and Titan, the two largest natural satellites in the Solar System, are smaller than Mercury, while having a higher mass. About 70% of the substance in mercury is metallic, while 30% is silicate. A solid, iron sulphide outer core layer, a deeper liquid core layer, and a solid inner core layer appear to be the structure of Mercury’s crust and mantle.
2. Venus शुक्र
In the Marathi language, Venus is known as sukra. The second planet from the Sun is Venus. It is sometimes referred to as Earth’s “twin” or “sister” planet because it is nearly as big and comparable in makeup. Like Mercury, Venus is an inner planet to Earth and is always close to the Sun when it appears in the night or morning sky.
Venus is the brightest natural object in the sky other than the Sun and Moon, able to cast visible shadows on Earth in low light and visible to the human eye in bright light. It has a weakly induced magnetosphere and a surface gravity that is slightly lower than that of Earth. Venus’s atmosphere, which primarily consists of carbon dioxide, is the densest and warmest of all the atmospheres at the planet’s surface.
Venus does not have any moons, just like Mercury. Venus’s solar year lasts 224.7 Earth days and has solar days that are 117 Earth days long Venus is one of the Solar System’s four terrestrial planets, making it a rocky body like Earth.
It is frequently referred to as Earth’s “twin,” “sister,” or “sister planet” and is similar to Earth in terms of mass and size. Venus’ atmosphere contains more primordial noble gases than the atmosphere of Earth. Venus has been a prominent figure in human culture and one of the brightest heavenly objects from the dawn of written history.
Many gods have revered it as sacred, and its most well-known moniker comes from the Roman goddess of love and beauty with whom it is linked. Academics, authors, and poets have all found a lot of inspiration from Venus. Venus was the first planet whose movements in the sky were recorded, dating back to the second millennium BCE.
3. Earth पृथ्वी
Prithvi is the name of the earth in Marathi. The only known planet in the universe where life has existed and found a habitable environment is Earth, which is the third planet from the Sun. Even while Earth may not have the most water in the Solar System, it is the only planet where liquid surface water can exist, covering 70.8% of the planet’s surface. This makes Earth an ocean world.
Large sheets of ice covering the ocean and land, dwarfing Earth’s groundwater, lakes, rivers, and atmospheric water are currently retaining the majority of all other water on Earth in the polar regions. Almost 29.2% of the planet’s surface is land, which is made up of continents and islands and is heavily vegetated.
The atmosphere of Earth, which is primarily composed of nitrogen and oxygen, protects the planet’s surface from hazards including asteroid strikes and UV rays. The ellipsoid shape of the Earth has a circumference of around 40,000 kilometers.
It is the solar system’s densest planet. Earth formed from petrol in the early Solar System 4.5 billion years ago, together with the majority of the other worlds in the Solar System. The ocean was created throughout the first billion years of Earth’s existence, and then life began to flourish there. Global life dissemination and ongoing surface and atmosphere changes caused the Great Oxidation Event two billion years ago.
4. Mars मंगळ
Mangala is the name of Mars in Marathi. The second-smallest planet in the Solar System, Mars is larger only than Mercury and is located four planets from the Sun. The Roman god of war is the inspiration for the name Mars in English. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, a crust mostly consisting of materials found in the Earth’s crust, a core made of iron, and a crust that is primarily built of nickel and iron.
Impact craters, valleys, dunes, and polar ice caps are some of the surface characteristics of Mars. Phobos and Deimos, are two tinies, atypically formed moons orbiting Mars. Olympus Mons, the largest volcano and tallest known peak in the Solar System, and Valles Marineris, one of the largest canyons in the Solar System, are a couple of the most remarkable surface features on Mars.
Mars and its reddish hue are visible to the naked eye from Earth. Mars is frequently referred to as the Red Planet because of its appearance, which is caused by the abundance of iron oxide on its surface.
5. Jupiter बृहस्पती
Brhaspati is planets name in Marathi for Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is located five planets away from the Sun. It is a gas giant with a mass that is slightly less than one-thousandth that of the Sun and more than two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System put together.
After the Moon and Venus, Jupiter is the third brightest natural object in the Earth’s night sky, and people have been seeing it since ancient times. Jupiter, the main deity of ancient Roman religion, inspired its name. Helium, which makes up a quarter of Jupiter’s mass and a tenth of its volume, follows hydrogen as the element that makes up the majority of its mass.
Jupiter was given the names Zeus and Jupiter respectively by the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations after the supreme deity of their respective pantheons. The Solar System’s oldest planet, according to popular opinion, is Jupiter. Jupiter is a gas giant because it consists largely of gas and liquid, as opposed to solid substances. With an equator diameter of 142,984 kilometers (88,846 mi), it is the solar system’s biggest planet.
6. Saturn शनी
Sani is the Marathi name of Saturn planet. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system and it is the sixth number from the sun. With an average radius of almost nine and a half times that of Earth, it is a petrol giant. Although nearly 95 times more massive, it barely possesses an eighth of Earth’s average density.
The internal structure of Saturn is most likely made up of a rocky core, a layer of deep metallic hydrogen, a layer of liquid hydrogen and helium in the middle, and a layer of gaseous material on the outside. The atmosphere of Saturn is having ammonia crystals, which give the planet a faint yellow tint.
Although long-lived structures can be seen, the outer atmosphere is typically monotonous and lacking in contrast. The planet’s large ring system, which is primarily made up of ice particles with a little amount of rocky debris and dust, is its most distinctive characteristic.
There are hundreds of moonlets in Saturn’s rings, as well as at least 83 confirmed moons orbiting the planet, 53 of which have official names. The only moon in the Solar System with a significant atmosphere is Titan, Saturn’s largest moon and the second largest in the Solar System. Titan is bigger (albeit less massive) than the planet Mercury. The Roman deity of agriculture and prosperity, Jupiter’s father, inspired the name of Saturn.
7. Uranus यूरेनस
Yurenasa is the name of Uranus planet in Marathi. The seventh planet from the Sun is Uranus. It is named after the Greek sky god Uranus, who in Greek mythology is Cronus’ (Saturn’s) father, Zeus’ (Jupiter’s) grandfather, and Ares’ (great-grandfather) great-grandfather (Mars). In the Solar System, Uranus has the fourth-largest planetary mass and the third-largest planetary radius.
Ice giants don’t have a clearly defined solid surface, much like gas giants do. The atmosphere of Uranus is mostly made of hydrogen and helium, like that of Jupiter and Saturn, but it also contains a greater amount of “ices” including water, ammonia, and methane as well as traces of other hydrocarbons. As Uranus reached its equinox in 2007, observations from Earth revealed seasonal shifts and increased weather activity.
8. Neptune नेप्चयून
Nepcayuna is the Marathi name of Neptune Planet. The Solar System’s farthest planet known as Neptune has located eight planets from the Sun. It is the third-most massive, densest, and fourth-largest planet in the Solar System in terms of diameter.
It is 17 times as massive as Earth and somewhat heavier than its close neighbor Uranus. Since Neptune has a denser atmosphere and a smaller physical size than Uranus due to its greater mass, the latter. Its name refers to the Roman sea god Neptune, and its astronomical sign is, which stands for Neptune’s trident.
The only planet in the Solar System discovered through mathematical prediction rather than empirical observation is Neptune, which is invisible to the unaided eye.
9. Pluto प्लूटो
In the Kuiper belt, a ring of worlds beyond Neptune’s orbit, Pluto is a dwarf planet. It directly orbits the Sun and is the ninth-largest and tenth-most massive object known to exist. It is marginally bigger than Eris in terms of mass, but it is the largest trans-Neptunian object by volume. In 1930, Pluto the first object in the Kuiper belt was found.
It was proclaimed as the ninth planet right away, but it was always the outlier and its planetary classification was called into question when it was discovered to be significantly smaller than anticipated.
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Table of Planets Name in Marathi with English names
In this table Planets names in Marathi and English are given.
No. | Planets Names in Marathi | English Planet’s Name |
1 | बुध | Mercury |
2 | शुक्र | Venus |
3 | पृथ्वी | Earth |
4 | मंगळ | Mars |
5 | बृहस्पती | Jupiter |
6 | शनी | Saturn |
7 | यूरेनस | Uranus |
8 | नेप्चयून | Neptune |
9 | प्लूटो | Pluto |
Which planet has the highest temperature?
Answer: Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system, with surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead due to the runaway greenhouse effect caused by its thick atmosphere, which traps heat. Venus is about 700°F (390°C) hotter than it would be in the absence of the greenhouse effect.
Which planet is the largest?
Answer: Jupiter, the fifth planet from the Sun, is by far the largest planet in the solar system, with a mass that is more than twice that of all the other planets put together.
Any somewhat big natural entity that travels in an orbit around the Sun or another star is referred to as a planet. The planet is one of the everyday words that we use. This article will assist you in learning Planets name in Marathi and their English pronunciation if you are interested in learning the language.