9 Planets Names In Telugu – [Update 2023]

Did you know that the planets in our solar system have unique names in every language? Telugu, a Dravidian language spoken predominantly in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, has its own fascinating set of names for these celestial bodies. Exploring the planets names in Telugu not only provides linguistic insight but also unveils a cultural connection to the cosmos.

From the fiery Sun known as Surya to the enigmatic Jupiter referred to as Brihaspati, each planets name in Telugu carries a story that bridges ancient mythology with modern science. Join us on this cosmic journey as we delve into the captivating world of planetary nomenclature in Telugu.

9 planets names in Telugu

9 planets names in Telugu

9 planets name Telugu, also known as the Navagrahas, hold significant importance in astrology and Hindu mythology. Each of these celestial bodies plays a unique role in influencing human life and destiny. Let’s explore the planets names in Telugu and English:

Number (English)English Planet NameTelugu Planet Name
1Mercuryబుధు (Budhu)
2Venusశుక్రు (Shukru)
3Earthభూమి (Bhumi)
4Marsచుమ్మ (Chumma)
5Jupiterబృహస్పతి (Brihaspati)
6Saturnశని (Shani)
7Uranusయూరేనస్ (Yūrēnas)
8Neptuneనెప్చ్యూన్ (Nepṭyūn)
9Plutoప్లూటో (Pluto)

1. బుధు (Budhu) – Mercury:

“When discussing the planets’ names in order in Telugu, we can begin with బుధు (Budhu), which is the Telugu name for Mercury. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun in our solar system. Known for its extreme temperatures, it has scorching hot days and freezing cold nights due to its lack of a substantial atmosphere to retain heat. It’s a small, rocky planet with a heavily cratered surface, similar in appearance to Earth’s moon. Mercury takes just 88 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun, making it the fastest-moving planet in our solar system.”

2. శుక్రు (Shukru) – Venus:

శుక్రు (Shukru) represents Venus, the second planet from the Sun. Often referred to as Earth’s “sister planet,” Venus is similar in size and composition to Earth. However, it has a thick, toxic atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, which traps heat and results in scorching temperatures that can reach up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius). Venus is also known for its bright appearance in the morning or evening sky, earning it the nickname “Evening Star” or “Morning Star.” When discussing the solar system, incorporating the planets names in Telugu can provide a cultural and linguistic connection for Telugu-speaking audiences.

3. భూమి (Bhumi) – Earth:

భూమి (Bhumi) is the Telugu moniker for our dwelling celestial body, Earth. Positioned as the third planet from the Sun, it stands alone in its ability to nurture life. Just as Earth is called “Bhumi” in Telugu, others have their unique “planets names in Telugu”. The Earth boasts a rich tapestry of ecosystems, plentiful water reserves, and a medley of gases in its atmosphere, notably oxygen, which sustains life as we perceive it. Its kaleidoscope of climates, terrains, and habitats renders it unparalleled and invaluable within the cosmos. Moreover, Earth remains peerless in its possession of liquid water on its exterior—a vital prerequisite for life’s existence.

4. చుమ్మ (Chumma) – Mars:

చుమ్మ (Chumma) is the Telugu name for Mars, often referred to as the “Red Planet” due to its reddish appearance in the night sky. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is known for its striking surface features, including vast deserts, deep canyons, and the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons. It has a thin atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide and is a focus of scientific exploration, with numerous missions sent to study its potential for past or present life.

5. బృహస్పతి (Brihaspati) – Jupiter:

Known as బృహస్పతి Brihaspati in Telugu, Jupiter stands as the largest planet within our solar system. It earns its classification as a gas giant due to its predominant elements of hydrogen and helium, while also showcasing an impressive magnetic field. A defining characteristic of this celestial body is its iconic Great Red Spot – an enormous storm that has captivated scientists for countless years. Furthermore, Jupiter exhibits a rich collection of moons with over 70 confirmed natural satellites in orbit around it. Among these satellites are the renowned Galilean moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto

6. శని (Shani) – Saturn:

శని Shani, known as Saturn in Telugu, is renowned for its mesmerizing and unique ring system. Positioned as the sixth planet from the Sun, Saturn shares similarities with Jupiter as both are gas giants. The rings of Saturn are made up of ice particles and rocks, stretching far beyond the planet’s surface. Additionally, Saturn boasts a wide range of moons, with Titan being the largest and most intriguing due to its dense atmosphere and the possibility of liquid methane lakes. Astronomers and space missions are captivated by Saturn’s unparalleled beauty and scientific significance.

7. యూరేనస్ (Yūrēnas) – Uranus:

యూరేనస్ (Yūrēnas) is the Telugu name for Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus is unique among the planets in our solar system because it rotates on its side, making it appear to roll along its orbital path. It is a gas giant like Jupiter and Saturn but is much less massive. Uranus is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with traces of methane in its atmosphere, which gives it a bluish-green color. The planet is also known for its system of faint rings and a collection of moons, the largest of which is named Titania.

8. నెప్చ్యూన్ (Nepṭyūn) – Neptune:

నెప్చ్యూన్ (Nepṭyūn) is the Telugu name for Neptune, the eighth planet from the Sun. Neptune is another gas giant, similar in composition to Uranus. It is known for its deep blue coloration, which is a result of the presence of methane in its atmosphere, which absorbs red light. Neptune has a series of faint, narrow rings and a diverse system of moons, including Triton, which is the largest and has unique characteristics, including geysers spewing nitrogen gas from its surface.

9. ప్లూటో (Pluto) – (Pluto):

Pluto, once hailed as the ninth planet in our solar system, now goes by its Telugu name and has been reclassified as a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Situated in the Kuiper Belt, a region beyond Neptune’s orbit filled with icy objects, Pluto stands out for its diminutive size and erratic path. Accompanied by its moon Charon, Pluto forms a binary system where Charon’s size dwarfs that of Pluto. The exploration of this remote world has sparked great curiosity and yielded invaluable information thanks to the New Horizons spacecraft.

Cultural references to Telugu planet names

Cultural references to Telugu planet names

The Telugu names for the planets in our solar system, like in many other cultures, often have cultural, historical, or mythological significance. Here are some cultural references to the Telugu planet names:

Mythological Significance: In Telugu culture, many of the planet’s names are associated with Hindu mythology. For example, the planet “బుధు” (Budhu), which represents Mercury, is named after the Hindu god Budha, who is associated with intellect and communication.

Astrology and Horoscopes: Telugu people, like many others in India, place great importance on astrology and horoscopes. The positions and movements of planets, referred to by their Telugu names, are believed to influence individuals’ lives and destinies. Astrologers use these planet names extensively in their predictions and consultations.

Religious Ceremonies: Planets names In Telugu speaking regions are often invoked during religious ceremonies and rituals. For example, during planetary transit periods or specific astrological events, people may perform pujas (rituals) dedicated to a particular planet to seek its blessings or alleviate its malefic effects.

Literary and Artistic References: Telugu literature and art often draw inspiration from celestial bodies and their names. Planets may be referenced in poetry, songs, and visual art to symbolize various aspects of life, including love, fate, and the cosmos.

Educational Context: In schools and educational institutions in Telugu-speaking regions, students learn about the planets names in Telugu and English. This bilingual approach helps students gain a comprehensive understanding of astronomy and planetary science.

Calendar Systems: The names of planets are sometimes used in the Telugu calendar system to denote the days of the week. Each day of the week is associated with a specific planet, and these names are used to calculate auspicious and inauspicious times for various activities.

Traditional Beliefs: Traditional practices and beliefs related to agriculture, weather prediction, and seasonal changes may also incorporate references to celestial bodies, including planets. Farmers, for example, may consider the positions of planets when planning their agricultural activities.

Pronunciation Guide: How to Say Planet Names in Telugu

How to Say Planet Names in Telugu

When it comes to saying the planets names in Telugu, there are certain nuances and sounds that need to be considered to get it right. Here’s a pronunciation guide on how to say all the planet names in Telugu:

  1. Mercury – బుధు (Budhu) – Pronounced as “boo-dhoo” with a soft “d” sound.
  2. Venus – శుక్రు (Shukru) – Pronounced as “shoo-kroo” with a soft “d” sound.
  3. Earth – భూమి (Bhumi) – Pronounced as “bhu-mi” with a soft “b” sound.
  4. Mars – చుమ్మ (Chumma) – Pronounced as “chu-mma” with a soft “d” sound.
  5. Jupiter – బృహస్పతి (Brihaspati) – Pronounced as “bree-hus-pa-tee.”
  6. Saturn – శని (Shani) – Pronounced as “sha-nee.”
  7. Uranus – యూరేనస్ (Uranus) – Pronounced as “yoo-ray-nus.”
  8. Neptune – నెప్చ్యూన్ (Neptune) – Pronounced as “ne-pchu-nn.”
  9. Pluto – ప్లూటో (Pluto) – Pronounced as “plu-too.”

Final Thoughts

To conclude, the planets names in Telugu not only captivate but also mirror the language’s rich cultural heritage. Each planet possesses a distinct name and holds great significance in Telugu mythology and astrology. By acquainting ourselves with these planetary names, we can enhance our comprehension of Telugu culture and acknowledge the interplay between language, science, and spirituality. T

herefore, why not embark on a voyage into the realm of Telugu planet names? Uncover their meanings, immerse yourself in their narratives, and embrace the elegance of this ancient language. Let us commemorate diversity by embracing various languages and cultures, commencing with an exploration of planet names in Telugu!


What is the Telugu name for Sun?

The Telugu name for Sun is “సూర్య” (Surya).

What is the Telugu name for Moon?

The Telugu name for Moon is “చంద్రుడు” (Chandrudu).

Are there any special days or rituals associated with Telugu planet names?

Yes, there are specific days and rituals associated with planetary movements and positions. People may perform pujas (rituals) dedicated to particular planets to seek their blessings or mitigate potential negative effects during planetary transits.

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